Inclusivity in FPS Games

How might including more LGBTQIA+ characters in competitive FPS games affect their audience and community feedback; and are these companies truly concerned about inclusivity?

While competitive first person shooter (or FPS) games tend not to have much of a story, companies have recently been making a push to include more LGBTQIA+ characters in these games. LGBTQIA+ community members seem to show overwhelming support for this, but a substantial amount of people view this as unnecessary and irrelevant. We plan on focusing on games similar to Overwatch and Apex Legends, games that include LGBTQIA+ characters in their lore, but the lore isn't significant to gameplay. We hope to describe how such a seemingly minor addition to the lore of a character can cause so much joy in one community, while causing uproar in another.

LGBTQIA+ in Online Environment

Due to the anonymity of online environments, it is common for people who harbor anti-LGBTQIA+ thoughts to feel more comfortable publicly stating them. This means that in many online environments, LGBTQIA+ people often feel unsafe and unwelcome. This exists in all online environments, especially in FPS games.

LGBTQIA+ in Video Games

Although there is a scarcity of LGBTQIA+ video game characters in general, there are even less in our particular area of focus, FPS games. Nevertheless, it is important to note that inclusivity is not the only objective, rather it is how representation can be depicted properly. Taking steps towards destroying stereotypes and tropes is critical.

Unfair LGBTQIA+ Gameplay

Although some games may give players the opportunity to choose any partner in the game, LGBQTIA+ relationships in games can often result in a more difficult and emotionally challenigng gameplay. This can cause players to view LGBTQIA+ relationships more abnormal and challenging than straight cis ones.

Queer Baiting and Slactivism

While the LGBTQIA+ community has made progress in gaining acceptance and exposure, it is becoming increasingly evident that many companies do not have their best interest at heart. Queer baiting, a practice in which a queer relationship is insinuated, but is not explicitly defined, has become an interesting and extremely controversial topic of debate.

Resisting LGBTQIA+ Inclusion

Many gamers react negatively to LGBQTIA+ inclusivity in video games, deeming it unnecessary to the plot, resulting in a lot of hate speech towards LGBQTIA+ players and characters. Even some LGBTQIA+ people might react poorly to inclusivity, as it can feel like an easy way for a company to "support" the LGBTQIA+ community without making any true progress.

Why Inclusion Can Matter So Much

While your average player might not find an LGBTQIA+ character to be important, LGBTQIA+ characters in media can act as role models. They can help under-informed people expand their views, and help those who are questioning themselves feel more confident in their identity. Well-written minority characters help players challenge their prejudices.


What kinds of reaction does the inclusion of these characters cause in the audience that plays them?

“Change doesn't happen overnight, it takes time, momentum, and often a little nudge from the RIGHT PEOPLE.”

Tim Bowers - "Sharing Joysticks"


  • INCLUDE and PROMOTE LGBQTIA+ characters as protagonists in games
  • HIRE more LGBQTIA+ staff who can ensure characters are relatable
  • Make game play EQUAL for all players, no matter what relationships they choose in game
  • Create a SAFE SPACE for LGBQTIA+ gamers


  • Spread AWARENESS of the need to keep games inclusive
  • Increase ADVERTISING for games with LGBTQIA+ characters
  • INCLUDE more LGBTQIA+ staff to help provide varied perspectives
  • Be willing to report on more CONTROVERSIAL topics that not all of your audience will agree with


  • Stay OPEN and WELCOMING to diversity within the gaming community.
  • Don’t be a bystander — REPORT any bullying or hate speech within online gaming forums.
  • SUPPORT developers who are taking strides to increase inclusivity within their games

Sources and Credits

While this may have fewer pictures and graphics than a standard infographic, we feel that our interactive approach to web design allowed us to convey our message yet still use multimodal visual design. The use of a website gave us much more control over the visual design, and allowed us to create a completely unique infographic. While everyone contributed to finding sources and conducting research, everyone also had a specialty that they focused on.

  • - Grace Chun: Creative Design and Charts
  • - Alisha Kongara: Review and Suggestions
  • - Rebecca Jeltuhin: Audience Feedback
  • - Alex Lomis: Web Designer and Programmer
  • Abad-Santos, Alex. “How LGBTQ Pride Month Became a Branded Holiday.” Vox, Vox, 25 June 2018,
  • Baider, Fabienne. ““Go to Hell Fucking Faggots, may You Die!” Framing the LGBT Subject in Online Comments.” Lodz Papers in Pragmatics, vol. 14, no. 1, 2018, pp. 69-92. ProQuest,, doi:
  • Bear, Peter, and Daria B. “Gamers Are Getting Upset Over ‘Forced Diversity’, But This ‘Straight White Dude’ Shuts Them Down In A Viral Twitter Thread.” Bored Panda, Feb. 2019,
  • Bowers, Tim. “Sharing Joysticks: How Video Games Are Opening up to LGBT Themes.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 10 Apr. 2014,
  • Chan, Khee Hoon. “Why I'm Afraid Video Games Will Continue to ‘Bury Its Gays’.” Polygon, Polygon, 4 Aug. 2017,
  • Dale, Laura Kate. “Our Favourite Games With Positive LGBT Representation.” Kotaku UK,
  • Shaw, Adrienne. “Putting the Gay in Games: Cultural Production and GLBT Content in Video Games.” Games and Culture, vol. 4, no. 3, 2009, pp. 228-253. ProQuest,, doi:
  • Shaw, Adrienne, & Elizaveta Friesem. “Where is the Queerness in Games?: Types of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Content in Digital Games.” International Journal of Communication, vol. 10, 2016.
  • Wikipedia contributors. "List of first-person shooters." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 5 Jun. 2019,
  • Wikipedia contributors. "List of video games with LGBT characters." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 17 Jun. 2019,